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Updated item in our ‘Tools and Helpful Links’ tab. “PEKTOS Fibers comparison chart”.

Our PEKTOS FIBERS range of plant fibers has quickly become the main pillar of our business. It consists of sugar beet, carrot, citrus and apple fiber.

It can be challenging for distributors and customers alike to stay up-to-date and fully informed about the properties and functional peculiarities of the various PEKTOS FIBERS.

We, therefore, updated our ‘PEKTOS FIBER Portfolio and Comparison Chart‘ to our website on the Tools and Helpful Links page in the Applications tab.

Please feel free to download the PEKTOS FIBERS Comparison Chart and keep it handy for your daily use.

PEKTOS BF – Sugar Beet Fibers: Different Particle Sizes and Shapes

Different particle sizes and shapes include fine/medium-fine powders, granules, and unrolled or rolled flakes.

For innumerable applications and unlimited variety in the creation of appearance, bulk, volume, texture, form and stability.

Food producers today use vegetable or plant fibers in countless applications because of their fiber content and water-binding capability. A large variety of such fibers from different sources is available to the food producer these days, but mostly these fibers come in the form of more or less fine powders.

In many applications like e.g. stuffings, coatings, processed meat, cereals, fruit, fitness and cereal bars, fillings, bread, weight loss products or meal replacers and many more; however, product development might prefer to have the option of using fibers with a specified coarse particle size, a granular type or even distinct shapes like rolled flakes. These permit the creation of different textures, appearances, bites or forms; they can add volume or stability to a product, or, e.g. in whole-grain bread or a cereal product, could match the form and mouth-feel of the grains used.

PEKTOS BF, granules, unrolled and rolled flakes after swelling

PEKTOS BF Sugar Beet Fibers are available in a range of powders from superfine to fine, but above all, also in the form of granules, unrolled and rolled flakes, with unchanged water-binding capacity, fiber content and insoluble/soluble fiber ratio. The granules and flakes take up the available moisture right away and swell quickly. They are also able to withstand a good deal of mechanical treatment, like mixing and forming, without losing their integrity and shape.

“Tools and Helpful Links” page has been added to our website.

We have added a new page, ‘Tools and Helpful Links‘, in our website’s ‘APPLICATIONS’ section.

Here you can find some tools, links and helpful documents which could be useful for product development work in the laboratory and production. These are meant to be guides and should be used as a starting point.

Please check back regularly and subscribe to our newsletters, as we will add more information to this page over time.

If you have something that you would like us to add here, please get in touch with us at

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year

A BIG THANK YOU’ to all our customers, partners and distributors for their trust in us and for the joint business in the year that is coming to an end.


We look forward to further intensifying our cooperation and to the opportunities and challenges in the coming year.

Our offices remain open during the festive season. Warehouses, order processing and despatch are closed from 12 noon on December 23 until 8 A.M. on Monday, January 9, 2023.