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PEKTOS BEET FIBER BF 5 and BF 10 are now available

We are pleased to announce that the production of our new sugar beet fiber PEKTOS BEET FIBER BF has commenced.

The first full production runs of BEET FIBER BF 5 and BEET FIBER BF 10 were successfully made at the end of November. Several tons of BEET FIBER BF 5 C and BF 10 C, but also the superfine particle size BF 5 A and BF 10 A, are now available and shipped.

We are now accepting orders and look forward to satisfying the market’s existing and continuously growing demand with our range of several beet fiber qualities.

Pack sizes are

– 22 kg bags for the powdered BEET FIBER BF grades (A, C, E, G)

– 14 kg bags for the coarse, un-milled BEET FIBER BF 5 H

– 16 kg bags for the rolled flakes BEET FIBER BF 5 FLAKE

– 30 bags per pallet.

Ulrich Zuber, CEO  T +41 79 605 56 01

PEKTOS AG, Stationsstrasse 7, CH – 8442 Hettlingen, Switzerland

PEKTOS AG can draw on decades of experience and technical knowledge of hydrocolloids and fibers. Our food fibers represent a significant product group in the company’s strategic orientation.

Our current food fiber portfolio:

– PEKTOS BEET FIBER BF 5 and BF 10 in various particle sizes and shapes







Die neue PEKTOS Zuckerrübenfaser erweitert und ergänzt unser bestehendes Nahrungsfaser-Portfolio.

Wir freuen uns mitzuteilen, dass wir unser erfolgreiches Nahrungsmittelfaser Produktportfolio der CITRUS FIBER CF 1525, CARROT FIBER KF 15 und APPLE FIBER AF 3 ab Dezember mit der hochfunktionalen Faser aus Zuckerrüben, BEET FIBER BF 5 erweitern werden.

PEKTOS BEET FIBER BF 5 wird in Pulverform, als Granulat oder als Flocken verfügbar sein, mit unzähligen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.

Wir starten die Produktion unserer Rübenfaser mit der aktuellen Schweizer Ernte 2022 und werden folgende Qualitäten anbieten:

PEKTOS Beet FiberPartikelgrösseLieferbar im
BEET FIBER BF 5 Amin. 90% < 0,07 mmJanuar 2023
BEET FIBER BF 5 Cmin. 95% < 0,15 mmDezember 2022
BEET FIBER BF 5 Emin. 95% < 0,50 mmJanuar 2023
BEET FIBER BF 5 GMin. 95% < 0,50 mm, max. 5% > 1,40 mmJanuar 2023
BEET FIBER BF 5 HGrob, ungemahlenJanuar 2023
BEET FIBER BF 5 FLAKEFlocken, gewalztFebruar 2023
BEET FIBER BIO BFBIO zertifiziertNovember 2023

Das Wasserbindevermögen von BEET FIBER BF 5 beträgt 3,5 – 6,0 g Wasser per g Faser.

Nahrungsmittelfasern aus Zuckerrüben werden bereits seit 40 Jahren hergestellt und weltweit erfolgreich eingesetzt. Wir von der PEKTOS AG sind stolz darauf, diese lange Tradition mit unserem Wissen und unserer Erfahrung fortsetzen zu können.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für ergänzende Informationen und melden Sie sich für unsere Newsletter an, damit Sie immer über alle Neuigkeiten informiert sind.

Die Beet Fiber Seite auf unserer Homepage wird, wie bei unseren anderen Fasern, in Kürze mit Produkt- und Anwendungsinformation ausgestattet werden.

Ulrich Zuber, CEO T +41 79 605 56 01

PEKTOS AG, Stationsstrasse 7, CH – 8442 Hettlingen, Switzerland

Die PEKTOS AG kann auf eine jahrzehntelange Erfahrung und technologisches Wissen über Hydrokolloide und Fasern zurückgreifen. Unsere Nahrungsmittelfasern stellen eine bedeutende Produktgruppe in der strategischen Ausrichtung des Unternehmens dar.

Unser aktuelles Nahrungsfaser Produktangebot:

PEKTOS BEET FIBER BF 5 in verschiedenen Partikelgrössen







The new PEKTOS Sugar Beet Fiber extends and complements our existing food fiber portfolio.

We are pleased to announce that as of December, we will expand our successful food fiber product portfolio of CITRUS FIBER CF 1525, CARROT FIBER KF 15 and APPLE FIBER AF 3 with the highly functional fiber from sugar beet, BEET FIBER BF 5.

PEKTOS BEET FIBER BF 5 will be available in powder form, granules or flakes, with countless application possibilities.

We will start production of our beet fiber with the current Swiss harvest in 2022 and will offer the following qualities:

PEKTOS Beet FiberParticle Size, GranulationAvailable from
BEET FIBER BF 5 Amin. 90% < 0.07 mmDecember 2022
BEET FIBER BF 5 Cmin. 95% < 0.15 mmDecember 2022
BEET FIBER BF 5 Emin. 95% < 0.50 mmJanuary 2023
BEET FIBER BF 5 GMin. 95% < 0.50 mm, max. 5% > 1.40 mmJanuary 2023
BEET FIBER BF 5 HCoarse, not milledJanuary 2023
BEET FIBER BF 5 FLAKEFlakes, rolledFebruary 2023
BEET FIBER BIO BFBIO/Organic certifiedNovember 2023

The water binding capacity of BEET FIBER BF 5 is 3.5 – 6.0 g water per g fibre.

Food fibers from sugar beet have already been produced for 40 years and successfully used worldwide. We at PEKTOS AG are proud to be able to continue this long tradition with our knowledge and experience.

Please contact us for supplementary information and sign up for our newsletters so that you are always informed about all the latest news.

As with our other fibers, the Beet Fiber page on our homepage will soon be equipped with product and application information.

Ulrich Zuber, CEO T +41 79 605 56 01

PEKTOS AG, Stationsstrasse 7, CH – 8442 Hettlingen, Switzerland

PEKTOS AG can draw on decades of experience and technical knowledge of hydrocolloids and fibers. Our food fibers represent a significant product group in the company’s strategic orientation.

Our current food fiber portfolio:

PEKTOS BEET FIBER BF 5 in various particle sizes and shapes




‘Sample Request Form’ added to the website

Inspired by the request and suggestions of our partners, customers and staff, we have added a ‘Sample Request’ tab to the top navigation bar of our website. The tab opens the sample request form, which is submitted with a click on the button.

Our test run during the past weeks confirmed our hopes that this will make the sampling process more straightforward and require less administrative work.

Please, from now on, request your samples using this online sample request. It will help you receive the samples faster. We will also email you a tracking link after we dispatch your parcel.

We would also like to suggest subscribing to our newsletters to always be among the first to know what’s new.

Stand-up and Flat-bottom Pouch packaging

PEKTOS now offers contract packing into Stand-up Pouches/Doypacks and Flat-bottom Pouches on our own machine.

If you are looking for a way to package your food or pet food products more quickly, efficiently, and affordably, you should consider a stand-up pouch (also called doypack) or flat-bottom pouch packaging.

Stand-up and flat-bottom pouches are a type of flexible packaging that is sustainable, easy to customise and an excellent solution for many products and industries. The pouches can be created from a single or several layers of different types of materials, come in many sizes and can be customised to fit the product, and they can include extra features such as spouts, valves, punched handles and more. Pouch packaging is designed to operate hands-free, which limits contact with the food product and makes the packaging process fast and affordable.

– Flexible, efficient, good value.
– Efficient mixer.
– Allergen-free, gluten-free.
– Powders, granules, coarse-grained products.
– Large and small batches/production runs.
– Fill sizes from 100 g/ml to 1,500g/ml.
Various pouch sizes and measures are possible.
– Coding.
– Carton and pallet packaging.

Call +41 79 605 56 01 or e-mail Ulrich Zuber We will be happy to discuss your packaging projects in detail.


PEKTOS APPLE FIBER AF 3 C  from Swiss-grown, freshly squeezed and dried apples, with low water-binding capacity and a fruity taste.

APPLE FIBER AF 3 C is a natural, clean-label, gluten-free fiber (EU limit). Its high mineral content, pleasant fruity taste and flavour and light brown colour make it a suitable fiber, particularly for bakery applications.

Total dietary fibre content: > 60 %
of which soluble: ≤ 10 %
of which insoluble: > 50 %

The Water Binding Capacity is 3 – 4g water/1 g fiber.

Fine particle size: max. 5% > 150 micron

APPLE FIBER AF 3 C ideally complements the other PEKTOS fibers like CARROT FIBER KF 15 C and CITRUS FIBER CF 1525, adding specific and unique product properties to the range.

Application Data Sheet: Carrot and Citrus Fiber in Tomato-Based Sauces

Our new ‘ADS’ for the use of PEKTOS Carrot Fiber KF 15 C and Citrus Fiber CF 1525 C is now available.

Tomato sauce/ketchup and tomato-based sauces are among many dishes’ most popular and essential ingredients. Some are made without texturising ingredients, and the consistency and firmness come from the tomatoes themselves, their cell wall components being responsible for water binding and structure. Raw material in those products is double or triple concentrated tomato paste.

Non-premium and cheaper products with a lower content of tomato paste usually contain texturising or binding agents.

Carrot Fiber or Citrus Fiber can replace tomato paste or texturising ingredients to compensate for the sauce’s lack of firmness and viscosity caused by the reduced use of tomato paste, similar to the natural consistency building with tomato paste.

Please download the ADS from the website in the ‘APPLICATIONS‘ tab under ‘Delicatessen, Sauces, Fine Foods‘, or use the button below.

PEKTOS Citrus Fiber CF 1525 – Functional Fiber

PEKTOS CITRUS FIBER CF 1525 – high water-binding capacity plus significant gelling ability.

CITRUS FIBER CF 1525 is 100% pure and undiluted citrus fiber, made in Germany from South American specially treated and processed citrus peels.

The peel treatment weakens the strong bonds between the hemicellulose, the pectin, and the proteins and sugars naturally occurring in the citrus peels and leads to an improved water-binding capacity through an expanded fiber matrix.

CITRUS FIBER CF 1525 is rich in soluble fiber, predominantly high ester pectin, which remains functional and gels in high solids and low pH conditions.

CITRUS FIBER CF 1525 is a natural, clean-label, multi-functional dietary fiber suitable for various food products through its high fiber content, excellent water-binding and moisture retaining capacity, and the texture it creates and provides.

PEKTOS CITRUS FIBER is a fine (CF 1525 C) or super-fine (CF 1525 A) powder, beige with a yellowish tinge and a weak citrus note.

CITRUS FIBER CF 1525 ideally complements the other PEKTOS fibers like CARROT FIBER KF 15 C and APPLE FIBER AF 3 C, adding specific and unique product properties to the range.

PEKTOS Carrot Fiber KF 15 C – with unique functionality

The high water-binding capacity combined with a powerful swelling capacity provides superior functionality and ease of use.

CARROT FIBER KF 15 C, without a doubt, is one of the most interesting plant-based texturisers right now, for its very high water-binding capacity paired with an outstanding swelling capacity, the superior pulpiness and pasty texture it provides, the light colour, appealing taste and flavour, but also because of its sustainability and low cost-in-use.

CARROT FIBER KF 15 C is 100% pure carrot fiber from carrot pulp after juice processing, with fine particle size.

CARROT FIBER KF 15 C: for many of your stabilisation, water binding, structure, texture, firmness, freshness and insoluble & soluble fiber needs.

CARROT FIBER KF 15 C ideally complements the other PEKTOS fibers like CITRUS FIBER CF 1525 and APPLE FIBER AF 3 C, adding specific and unique product properties to the range.

QM System establishment – update

We are currently in the process of establishing our quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015.

The system is being set up and implemented in cooperation and with the help of a consultant. Mr Werner Oetiker has been involved in developing and maintaining Q-systems in the food industry for more than 30 years. He is also an active lead auditor at Bureau Veritas for ISO 9001:2015.

We intend to have the entire system implemented and certified by the end of 2022.

Thank you for your patience.

Check back regularly at our website in the ‘Quality’ tab, or subscribe to our newsletters to get updates.